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It all begins with an idea. Make your dreams a reality and construct something that will suit your safety and economical needs. Whether you are looking to build a structure in a brush area or seismic zone. ZS2’s building solutions will accommodate for every need you are seeking.

TechPanel vs. Traditonal Construction

TechPanel construction is significantly faster than traditional construction. A 2006 detailed study by RSMeans (Reed Construction Data) concluded that SIP construction is 55% faster than standard 2×4 or 2×6 stick frame construction. TechPanels are manufactured in a state of the art factory setting to custom specifications and arrive on-site ready for install eliminating the need for multiple steps such as framing, insulating, sheathing and significantly reducing labor requirements. Further, electrical chases are typically provided in the core of the panels so there is no need to drill through framing for wiring.

Traditional is not Sustainable

The building and construction sector are responsible for…

  • 160 million tons of non-industrial waste generation a year.

  • 23% contribution to air pollution

  • 40% of drinking pollution

  • 25% of the worlds usage of virgin wood per year

The traditional Portland Cement Industry is massively carbon intensive, and the world is starting to notice! It currently contributes >5% of all human-made CO2 emissions (approximately 1 ton CO2 per 1 ton of cement).

Climate and Sustainability

  • TechBoard contains a tremendous amount of magnesium oxysulfate (MgSO4) and water (H2O) as its cement binding material. These two components make up more than two thirds of the binder in the board and are sourced from naturally occurring water reservoirs, meaning they have almost no embodied carbon footprint. This, along with a curing process that absorbs C02, makes TechBoard a low carbon sustainable building material who compared to traditional cement.

  • TechPanels are one of the most environmentally friendly construction solutions available. To start with, TechBoard has a very low embodied carbon footprint in addition to all of the high-performance attributes. TechPanels in turn are manufactured in a all of the high-performance attributes. TechPanels in turn are manufactured in a high-tech factory where material waste is minimized and delivered directly to site. On-site labour requirements are significantly reduced resulting in further efficiencies. Once completed a TechPanel building has continuous rigid insulation and is extremely airtight which results in lower energy requirements to heat, air-condition and operate. TechPanel buildings are built to last and are extremely resilient resulting in a longer useful life. All of these factors make TechPanels one of the most sustainable building solutions on the planet!

  • It does not. Unlike insulation batts that will sag over time or spray foam that cracks and crumbles as it ages. Our TechPanels maintain their structural integrity and R-value for the lifetime of the building. The EPS foam that we sandwich between two pieces of TechBoard creates a highly insulated building envelope that will ensure energy efficiency and savings.

The Building Process

  • Structural insulated panels, or SIPs, are high performance panels used in walls, roofs and floors for residential, commercial, industrial and agriculture buildings. The panels are manufactured by sandwiching a rigid core insulating material between two high strength facings. SIPs can be custom designed for any project and provide an extremely strong, energy-efficient, cost-effective, sustainable building system.

  • ZS2 TechPanels integrate proprietary TechBoard™ which is a magnesium-based cement board into the assembly. TechBoard is a proprietary, high-performance, zero-chloride board with significant benefits vs. conventional construction materials such as oriented strand board (OSB). Unlike traditional SIPs, TechPanels are highly fire resistant, mold proof, bacteria/pest resistant and stronger.

  • TechPanels™ are installed rapidly on site. TechPanels™ arrive flat packed directly to the job site where they are unloaded and stood up, attaching to a base plate which is installed prior to assembly. This ‘tilt-up’ method of construction is rapid and panels are labelled for easy and precise installation in predetermined order. Cut-outs for windows and doors are pre-fabricated and integrated in the factory saving additional job-site time. TechPanels™ are attached to the baseplate and each other using staples or screws and each panel joint is then sealed with elastomeric caulking. Roof panels are lifted into place and connect rapidly and easily using standard connection details. On average a 2,000 square foot building takes less than two days to assemble.

The Science Involved

  • R-values for TechPanels are dependent on the thickness and type of rigid insulating core. A typical 6 ½” TechPanel is rated at R-28 (effective R-30) and a 8 ½” TechPanel at R-38 (effective R-40). However, actual real-world performance of TechPanels is much better than conventional fiberglass insulation with traditional framing. According to SIPA (Structural Insulated Panel Association), “…R-value doesn’t tell the whole story. Laboratory tests that determine R-value have little resemblance to how insulation actually performs in a home. When real world factors such as air infiltration, extreme temperatures and thermal bridging are present, field-installed fiberglass insulation can lose more than half its R-value

  • Building with TechBoard has increased benefits to the overall longevity of buildings. TechBoard can be used to replace layers of drywall and OSB (plywood) with a fire, mold and water-resistant solution. Additionally, TechBoard has increased structural capacities compared to traditional drywall and OSB.

  • Did you know TechPanels can be used roofs and ceilings? During the planning phase we work with engineers to determine if a SIP roof is achievable. We look at things like environmental factors such as heavy snow, wind, size of the roof, location of the build, etc. From there, our engineers will give us the green light and planning can begin. Having a TechPanel roofs create an even more energy efficient building envelope with fire, mold and water resistance.

  • TechPanels are perfect for building expansions. Building your expansion with TechPanels creates a highly efficient building envelope that will save you money on your heating and cooling bill. Additionally, TechPanels can be easily integrated with other building methods, allowing for a seamless transition from the existing building to the expansion.

Technical Data

  • TechBoard is our proprietary magnesium based cement board. ZS2 Technologies R&D team, led by Dr. Doug Brown (Ph.D. Chemistry), has developed a proprietary cement formulation which are highly fire resistant, mold proof, bacteria/pest resistant, high strength with a significantly reduced carbon footprint vs. other traditional “Portland” cement products. TechBoard can be used as a stand-alone high-performance sheathing for interiors and exteriors, can be finished with a variety of coatings and materials, is easy to work with and is integrated as the facing in high-performance TechPanels.

  • In its alkaline earth metal form magnesium (Mg) oxidizes rapidly when exposed to the air. This means it can spark and burn easily at relatively low temperatures. But TechBoard uses magnesium oxide (MgO), which has already oxidized and is completely stable and not flammable. In fact, the stabilized version is so heat resistant that it is most commonly used in materials that are exposed to extreme temperatures like kilns, furnaces, fireplaces and even molds for molten metals!

  • ZS2 Technologies utilizes a proprietary magnesium cement formulation to create TechBoard which in turn is used as the external skin in TechPanels. Magnesium is one of the most stable and highly resistant elements to heat hence why magnesium is used to make molds for other elements like liquid steel and other molten metals. When considering resistance to a fire event there are actually three key considerations:

    1. Flame spread/flammability

    2. Heat transfer and

    3. Offgassing.

    Many fire resistant materials, including flame retardant chemicals, still produce noxious off gasses which can render a person unconscious and susceptible to injury or worse. Further, materials which conduct heat result in higher risk of fire acceleration and transfer to materials which may not be fire resistant. Finally, flame spread and flammability in many conventional construction materials is accelerated with the harmful chemicals and additives. TechBoard is highly flame resistant, produces no toxic off gasses and is prevents significant heat transfer. The reason is the chemistry…TechBoard contains nearly 50% chemically encapsulated H2O…nearly double the amount of drywall or gypsum which is traditionally used to build 1 hour and 2 hour fire walls.

Climate Resilience


According to the National Interagency Fire Center in the US, the scope and severity of wildfires has steadily increased over the last 20 years.


Up to 90% of natural disasters are floods. Whether it’s heavy rainfall or storm surges, we can expect to see a lot more flooding with a changing climate. ZS2’s focus is making sure that when flood waters recede, structures are still standing and safe.

Extreme Temperatures

More than 5 million people die each year from excessive heat or cold. In 2021, it was concluded that it was the sixth-hottest year to be recorded. Changing climates are ahead of us and it’s our jobs to plan accordingly.